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Zed axis 9.0

The third method consisted of tue solution of the one group and six group delayed neutron kinetics equations with feedback by use of a digital computer.

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The effects of feedback delay time constandts were investigated with this method. The second method involves the analog computer simulation of the six group delayed neutron kinetics equations with feedback. The first involves the analytical solution to the fast reactor kinetics equations with one group of delayed neutrons and a feedback proportional to the natural logarithm of the power. In order to establish the method of operation of the desired controller, three main methods of analysis were used. The m alpha 3el of the control devices assumes a ramp rate of reactivity insertion for power level chandges. The resultant power reactivity feedback then assumes the approximate form of the natural logarithm of the power.

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The model developed assumes a coolant flow rate that is approximately linear with power. It is based on the EBR-II fast reactor power more » system. Since there is no single controller that will give optimum response to all reactor systems, a particular model of a reactor is established. An automatic controller designed to be fail-safe and time optimum in its response is then justified as being economic if its presence manages to eliminate one serious accident that might otherwise have occurred or if better utilization of the power plant is obtained. A time optimum automatic controller was devised for a nuclear power reactor that should be consistent with the safety policies of the Atomic Energy Commission.

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